King Terenas Menethil II

Undercity is the Horde capital of the Eastern Kingdoms. Located within the ruins of Lordaeron in Tirisfal Glades. Upon entering the ruins by foot, you pass through the Throne room, which was the seat of power of King Terenas Menethal II, and enter into another room containing a tomb with an inscription.

Tomb of King Terenas

The inscription reads as follows:

Here lies Teranas Menethil II. Last true King of Lordaeron.
Great were his deeds - - long was his reign - -unthinkable was his death.
“May the Father lie blameless for the deeds of the son.
May the bloodied crown stay lost and forgotten.”

King Terenas was the King of Lordaeron for seventy years. He ruled through the second and third wars and was loved and respected by everyone. He successfully defended his Kingdom from the Scourge onslaught.

Prince Arthas was the Kings only son. He took up the fight against the Horde when the plague of undeath was unleashed on Lordaeron by the Lich King Ner’zhul. In Stratholme he culled the infected and the innocent without regard and against advice. He tracked the source of the Plague to Northrend, where he found the legendary weapon Frostmourne.

His association with the powerful runeblade Frostmourne, transformed Prince Arthas into the very first Death Knight, and he led the scourge invasion against his own kingdom.

King Terenas had been advised to leave Lordaeron, but he stayed and awaited his sons return. When Arthas eventually returned, King Terenas knew that something was not right. He died on his throne, slayed by Arthas wielding Frostmourne. 

His ashes are interned in the tomb behind the Throne room in the ruins of Lordaeron.
King Terenas

The Throne Room 


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