Runaway Roundabout

During certain events you can find objects that just spin you around and around. Your reward is 10% XP gained for killing mobs for a certain lWoWScrnShot_070813_235402ength of time, with the maximum time being 1 hour, depending on how long you stay turning. I think everyone knows this already.

It just so happens that it’s not always that easy to remove yourself from these XP boosters. I found myself on this particular roundabout at Darkmoon Faire, and not being able to get off. I didn’t want to seem like a complete fool and shout out on chat that I was stuck. The online members of my guild were either AFK or in remote chat. So around and around I went. I tried jumping, I tried summoning mount, I tried spells. Nothing would work. There was no leave vehicle button either. I considered logging off, but knew I’d still be there where I logged back in. This was the only moment in my life that I wished for someone to kill me. Either that, or it was an opportunity to find out where darkmoon faire people hide during the rest of the month, as I was surely going to be packed up and taken away with them.

Eventually one of my guild appeared online. It just so happens all you have to do is type /leavevehicle. Now I had no clue about this, but if it ever happens to you, you know what to do.


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